This program consists of a planned series of exercises designed to help you compensate for the inability to tell where your arms and legs are- in space without looking.

1. Exercises are designed primarily for
coordination; they are not intended
for strengthening.

2. Commands should be given in an
event, slow voice; the exercises should
be done to counting.

3. It is important that the area is well lit
and that you are positioned so that
you can watch the movement of your

4. Avoid fatigue. Perform each exercise
not more than four times. Rest
between each exercise. The exercise
routine takes about ½ hour and
should be done 2 times daily.

5. Exercises should be done within
normal range of motion to avoid
over-stretching of muscles.

6. The first simple exercises should
be adequately performed before
progressing to more difficult patterns.

Exercises While Lying Down

Starting position: Lie on a bed or couch with a smooth surface along which the feet maybe moved easily. Your head should be raised on a pillow so that you can watch every movement.

1. Bend one leg at the hip and knee,
sliding your heel along the bed.
Straighten the hip and knee to return
to the sitting position. Repeat with
the other leg.

2. Bend one leg at the hip and knee as
in #1. Then slide your leg out to the
side leaving your heel on the bed.
Slide your leg back to the center
and straighten your hip and knee to
return to the starting position. Repeat
with the other leg.

3.Bend one leg at the hip and knee
with the heel raised from
with the heel raised from the bed.
Straighten your leg to return to the
starting position. Repeat with the
other leg.

4. Bend and straighten one leg at the
hip and knee sliding your heel along
the bed stopping at any point of
command. Repeat with the other leg.

5. Bend the hip and knee of one leg and
place that heel on the opposite knee.
Then slide you heel down the shin
to the ankle and back up to he knee.
Return to the starting position and
repeat with the other leg.

6. Bend both hips and knees sliding
heels on the bed keeping your ankles
together. Straighten both legs to
return to starting position.

7. Bend one leg at the hip and knee
while straightening the other in a
bicycling motion.

Exercises While Sitting

Starting position: Sit on a chair with feet flat on the floor.

1. Mark time, raising just the heel. Then
progress to alternately lifting the
entire foot and placing the foot firmly
on the floor upon a traced foot print.

2. Make two cross marks on the floor
with chalk. Alternately glide the
foot over the marked cross: forward,
backward, left and right.

3. Learn to rise from the chair, at two,
bend trunk forward; at three, rise by
straightening the hips and knees and
then the trunk. Reverse the procedure
to sit down.

Exercises While Standing

Starting position: Stand erect with feet 4 to 6 inches apart.

1. Walk sideways beginning with half
steps to the right. Perform this
exercise to a counted cadence: At
one, shift the weight to the left foot,
at two, place the right foot 12 inches
to the right; at three, shift the weight
to the right foot; at four, bring the left
foot over to the right. Repeat exercise
with half steps to the left. The size of
the step taken to right or left may be

2. Walk forward between two parallel
line 14 inches apart placing the right
foot just inside the right line, and
the left foot just inside the left line.
Emphasize correct placement. Rest
after 10 steps.

3. Walk forward placing each foot on
a footprint traced on the floor. Foot
prints should be parallel and 2 inches
from a center line. Practice with
quarter steps, half steps, three-quarter
steps, and full steps.

4. Turn to the right. At one, raise the
right toe and rotate the right foot
outward, pivoting on the heel; at
two, raise the left heel and pivot the
left leg inward on the toes; at three,
completing the full turn, and then
repeat to the left.

5. Walk up and down the stairs one step
at a time. Place the right foot on one
step and bring the left up beside it.
Later practice walking up the stairs
placing one foot on each step. At
first use the railing, then as balance
improves, dispense with the railing.

Upper Extremity Exercises

When the arms are affected use a backboard
and chalk. Change a minus sign to a plus sign, copy simple diagrams (straight lines, circles, zigzag lines, etc.) Various coordination boards may be used to improve eye-hand coordination.